Programming In C

Programming In C

Course Description


Duration : 2 Months                    Fees : Rs 2000/-                                Per Day: 1:1/2 Hour



What Is Program. What Is Software And Hardware. About LINUX OS. VIM Editor. LINUX Commands. Structure Of A C Program. Header Files / Library Files. How To Write A C Program. Linker , Loader , Debugger , Preprocessor Compiler , Interpreter. Formatted / Unformatted Input Output Function.


Tokens , Identifier , Modifiers , Symbols. Variables Declaration And Initialization , Memory Representation. Types Of Constant.

DAY 03 : Primary Data type Int, Char, Float, Double, Void & Secondary Datatype , size , range , format specifier. What Is

Segmentation Of RAM

DAY 04 : Character datatype , constant , ASCII , I/O Functions.


What is Operator? , Operant , Operation. Expression. Unary , Binary , Ternary. Precedence And Associativity

DAY 06 : Operator + , – , * , / , > , >= , < , <= , == , != , && , || , ! , = , += , -= , *= , /= , Unary + , – , sizeof()

DAY 07 : Operator  operation rules , type cast , comma ,

DAY 08 : Data type , type , range , format specifier , constant representation , memory representation , handle overflow


DAY 09 : Character datatype , constant , ASCII , All I/O Functions. Console I/O , Disk I/O.


What Is Control Statement? And Its Use. Sequential Control Statement. Selection Control Statement – if , else. Types of if – else , Multiple if , Nested if , Ternary Operator ?: .

DAY 11 : Case Control Statement – switch ,case , break , default.

DAY 12 : Repetition Control Statement. What is Loop? Why it is required? How to start a loop. What is loop counter?

Types of loop. Syntax , Theory , Sample program with start , stop , step value. 1st category programming with question , answer.

DAY 13 : 2nd category programming. Without start , stop , step value. Sample program. Question/Answer.

Nested loop syntax , sample program. Pyramid program

*Short question / tips and tricks in loop. All char and their ASCII value(program) . Any  keyboard char ASCII value(program). Graphics character. Draw rectangle , using arrow key line drawing program.   goto statement , exit(0) …

DAY 14 : POINTER     (   *   )

What is variable? How to set its property? Symbolic table. What Is Address/Pointer ? Pointer And Address. Pointer Operator. Pointer To Int , Char , Float, ….their size , type , sample program. Pointer To Pointer Address Calculation. Question/Answer using pointer. Miscellaneous.

DAY 15 : Using pointer – sample program , if – else , loop. Question/Answer

DAY 16 : *Far pointer. Offset address / segment address. Pointer size , format specifier. Text mode / graphics mode.

Cell/pixcel. Even byte/ Odd byte. Sample program.

DAY 17 : FUNCTION    (    )  

What is function? Why it required? Interaction To Function. Different parts of a function. Call / prototype / definition. Category  Of  Function. Types of function. Library function. About main function. How to create an user define function. Sample program, NANR. Category of functions. [NANR , WANR , WAWR , NAWR ]

DAY 18 : Function Arguments And Parameter. Call by value / call by address [sample program, theory]

Return type of the function. By value return / by address return. Sample program using function.

DAY 19 : Pointer To Function. Function Returning An Address. Function Recursion

DAY 20 :  ARRAY     (     [ ]     )

1D Array : What is array? Why we use array? What is the difference between general variable and array? Definition , syntax, initialize. Simple program. I/O program for 5 numbers. I/O program for n numbers of data in an array. Questions.

DAY 21 : 1D Array : Questions / Answer.

DAY 22 : 1D Array : Pointers in 1D Array. Array name is a constant pointer. Visiting an array in different way. Using

pointer to integer. *What is pointer to 1D Array. Array of pointers. Passing 1D Array to the function.

DAY 23 : 1D Array : Call by value. Call by address. *How function return an 1D Array.

DAY 24 : 2D Array : What is 2D Array? Definition , syntax, initialize. Simple program. I/O program for 3×3 Matrix.

I/O program for M×N Matrix. 2D Array Questions / Answer.

DAY 25 : 2D Array : Visiting Of An Array Using Pointer Pointer To Array (1D and 2D)

DAY 26 : 2D Array : Passing Array To The Function

DAY 27 : 2D Array : Function Return An Array

DAY 28 : 1D String : Character Array (String)

DAY 29 : 1D String :Character Array  / String  Reading And Writing String , gets() , puts()

DAY 30 : 1D String :String Library Function

DAY 31 : 1D String :String Program Without Using Library  Functions.

DAY 32 : 1D String :Pointer to string. String program using pointer. Passing String To The Function

DAY 33 : 1D String :2D String :Function Return A String. Multi Dimensional String. What is P?


What is Storage Class ? i) Storage Class Of A Variable. Where It Is Created , Initial Value , Scope , Life , Mode.

Automatic – auto. Register – register. Static – static. External – extern. Declaration Vs Definition.

  1. ii) Storage Class Of A Function

DAY 35 : PREPROCESSOR    (  #    )

What is pre processor? Why it is use? Source code , expanded source code. How preprocessor will work?

File Inclusion [#include]. Macro Expansion [#define]. Sample programs.

DAY 36 : Conditional Comparison [#if , #else , #endif , #def , #undef]. Miscellaneous [#pragma , #line , #error ]

*Execute a program before main / after main. To avoid warning form the program. Create your own error. Display current date , time , file name.


Static Memory Allocation. Dynamic Memory Allocation. Advantages / Disadvantages. Sample Program. Library functions. Malloc() / calloc() / realloc() / free() their header files. Syntax. Program use. Difference between malloc() / calloc(). Use.


What is structure? Why it is required? Difference between array /structure. Theory , syntax , Definition , Initialization , Declaration. Sample program. Record type programming. Member access operator. Array Of Structure. Pointer To Structure. Nested Structure.

DAY 39 : Passing Structure To The Function. Self – Referential Structure. Memory Representation Of Union.

Enumerated Data Type.


File and stream. What is FILE? Where it is created? Types of file. About 1)Low Level File 2)High Level File. Open , I/O Data into the File. About File Pointer & File Handler. Types Of Mode & Their Use. Char Wise Write & Read. String Wise Write & Read

DAY 41 : Record Wise Write & Read. File Copy Utility. Database vs File System. Mini Project using file system.


What is it ? And why we use it? Create your own command like DOS command.Passing argument to the main() function. About argc , argv. Argument counter. Argument vector. Environmental variable..

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